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你能在网上获得教学学位吗? 是的,以及你为什么要这么做.

Teaching can be one of the most rewarding career paths—giving you the opportunity to change the lives of students and set them up for success far into the future. 还有一个 严重且日益严重的教师短缺 在全国的K-12学校里. 

For motivated individuals, this presents a unique opportunity to enter the teaching profession. There is a distinct need for credentialed teachers who have extensive in-classroom training. 在线教学学位课程能提供你成功所需的技能吗? 

Let’s look at how you can identify a top online teaching degree program and the advantages of getting your teaching degree online.


在线教育学位课程越来越普遍. 根据劳动力市场分析公司EMSI的数据, 2012年至2019年, 在线教育学位课程增加了43%, 而传统的面对面课程则下降了近33%. 

然而, the popularity of getting a bachelor’s degree in education online doesn’t mean all programs are created equal. Finding a reputable online program will prepare you for the realities of teaching in a classroom, 什么对你的事业成功至关重要.


  • 认证: A regionally-accredited college or university meets the highest standards in higher education and is regularly evaluated for curriculum, 教员和支持服务. 
  • 课程: 寻找一个能帮助你将教育理论付诸实践的课程. You want solid foundations in teaching theory balanced with a 21st century approach that helps you take advantage of emerging technologies to make you a stronger teacher.
  • 领域经验: 作为一名成功的教师,课堂经验是绝对必要的. 越早, 更常见的是, 你可以进教室了, 跟随老师,与学生互动, 你准备得越充分. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 helps you get into the classroom during your first term and ensures you have multiple placements throughout your online education degree program. 
  • 合作学校网络: 找一所拥有庞大合作学校网络的学院或大学. 这些项目可以帮助你获得大量的教学经验, 帮助你在不同的学习环境中成为一名成功的老师.


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在线教学学位提供了一种独特的体验,带来了许多好处. 适合想要转行的专业人士, 在线教学学位课程的灵活性提供了以下能力:

  • 在平衡其他优先事项的同时获得学位,比如目前的工作需求、社会生活和家庭责任.
  • 追求一个更实惠的学位,因为你可以在支付你的教学学位的同时继续挣你的薪水. 也, many high-quality online teaching degrees can be more affordable than their traditional counterparts.
  • 100%在线上课, making it easier to schedule and balance the need for in-person teaching field experience with your coursework.
  • 早点进教室 有顶级的在线教学项目,比如the 十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供教育学士学位,你可以在第一学期接受课堂培训.
  • 练习虚拟沟通技巧, which are vital than in today’s teaching environment where virtual or hybrid learning is more common.
  • 从更多样化的观点中获益 as you learn and collaborate with students from other cities who bring unique experiences from their school districts. 
  • 通过避免隐性成本来节省时间和金钱 like commuting to campus, paying for parking, or other small costs that add up over time.


One of the most important and influential aspects of any teaching program is field experience. Getting to experience a classroom first-hand and interact with other teachers and students will directly impact your future as a teacher. 

如果你正在考虑在线教学学位课程, you’re probably questioning how you gain this pivotal experience if your degree is earned online. 别担心, top online teaching degrees offer just as many—if not more—opportunities to gain classroom experience.


  • You should find an online teaching degree program that offers classroom placement with partner schools. 一些在线课程要求你找到自己的学生教学机会. 这种方法会限制你的机会. It requires building connections with local schools—which usually involves reaching out to schools you attended or where you know a teacher. 程序s with large partner school networks can provide you with diverse experience and multiple classroom placements throughout your program.
  • You should find a program that doesn’t charge additional fees for student teaching placement. 有些大学会根据你的实习经验收取一定的费用. This hidden and unnecessary cost can be avoided by finding the right online teaching degree.
  • 您将需要白天的可用性. 而你的课程是在网上完成的, 你确实需要在上课时间有空来获得课堂经验. Look for an online program that maintains flexibility in how you gain your field experience hours. 例如, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 你需要在16周的课程中完成32小时的课堂教学. 学时在学期结束时进行评估, giving you the flexibility to work with your cooperating teacher to fit hours into your schedule without necessarily committing to a specific number of hours per week.
  • 你需要计划一个学期的学生教学,这是一个无薪实习. 你需要计划怎样才能在16周的时间里全职上课. Student teaching is completed toward the end of your degree program, so plan in advance. Many students will save additional funds or work after-hours or on weekends in order to maintain their lifestyle while student teaching.


在线教学学位的另一个方面是你的课程作业, 通常分为两类:教学方法和特定内容领域. 教学教育学侧重于教育原则和教学方法, 不管你教的是什么科目,哪个是相关的. Specific content courses focus on your licensure area—like math or history—if you want to teach past the primary education level (PK–5).

Here’s what you can expect from the student experience as you undertake your online teaching degree coursework:

  • 虚拟的讲座,这可能是现场讲座或预先录制的课程. 
  • 在线会议,在那里你有机会与老师和同学互动.
  • 自学任务, which can range from creating sample lesson plans to working through classroom case studies and scenarios.
  • 合作项目, where you work with other students to tackle assignments and learn from one another’s experiences.

最好的在线教学学位课程将利用技术优势, 创造一个支持性和参与性的学习环境.


在线教学学位越来越受欢迎, 你需要小心,确保你对未来的投资是明智的. 


  • 不提供免费实地经验和直接课堂实习的项目.
  • 没有在不同的学习环境中提供多个实习机会的项目.
  • 不雇用具有丰富课堂教学经验的教师的项目.
  • 程序s that don’t meet the specific licensure requirements for the state you plan to teach in.
  • 不提供招聘学区面试日的项目.

Getting the right online teaching degree will not only meet the requirements to become a teacher, 它会让你在课堂上茁壮成长,并在潜在雇主面前脱颖而出.


如果你准备改变你的职业,成为一名教师, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 offers multiple bachelor’s degree options to help you reach your career goals. 比较十大正规赌博平台大全排行所有的 本科学历 产品,或探索特定的程序,包括 B.S. 青少年到青年(AYA)教育, B.S. 干预专家, B.S. 中学教育(MCE), B.S. 小学教育(小学至小学五年级)

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